Category: Vlogs

29 Jan

Mythic Mana is a Malaysian-based company similar to Lootcrate. You can use coupon code “ADAMBAH” to receive a 3% discount on your Mythic Mana subscription box (Valid only in FEB 2016)!

4 Oct

Jasmine and I ventured Tamu Dongongon to take on the #SabahButodChallenge! Do you have what it takes to mommom that Butod? Watch the continuation video at “This Is Sabah (Ep 4) | Eating in Sabah” // Jasmine “ohheymissking” // YouTube:… Instagram / Twitter: @jazzzmineking

3 Aug

It was Dan’s first time to Sabah, so I thought I’d test him in the ways of the Sabahan! He memang yes, tapi bukan :P Dan Khoo’s YouTube Channel:

30 Jun

This is a video submission for Air Asia’s ASEAN Traveller.

16 Jun

Travel vlog with Tish, Yvonne & Daniel on our visit to San Diego, California

8 Jun

Tish, Yvonne & I do the Sneezing Challenge on YouTube.

14 Feb

This is a special time for us! Livestream details: Date? Friday, February 13th 2015 Time? 2pm +0GMT / 10pm Malaysian Clock Heart. *** You can watch the full livestream here:

18 Jan

A Malaysian and an American turn on a camera and talk English. Also, if your name is Michelle, I sincerely apologize for the awkwardness… :P Otherwise, hope you enjoy the video!