Category: Events

3 Jan

2012 ended with the biggest bang I could ask for. 2012 in general had been a pretty eventful year. It began with DayGlo Melbourne – Australia’s biggest paint & musical event. Then the melancholy news of the passing of my 90 year-old grandmother. May her soul rest in eternal peace…

2 Jul

Ed Sheeran is UK’s biggest up & coming artist and musican with already two #1 hit singles to his name! Being hailed and compared to as an UK’s very own Jason Mraz by many, his lyrical ingenuity and substance speaks for itself. Here I go covering Ed Sheeran’s latest! Lego…

15 Mar

I’ve listened to live gigs. I’ve partied in clubs. I’ve watched concerts. I’ve even recently just attended my first music festival at DayGlow – the World’s Largest Paint Party. But nothing prepared me for the sights, sounds and experience I witnessed at Future Music Festival this year! I’ve been told…

9 Feb

This is a story about how my day started off like this… … to ending up like this. Let me explain… Saturday the 4th of February marked the day of the Melbourne DayGlow Festival. DayGlow is a newly established music festival renowned to be “The World’s Largest Paint Party”. Now…

3 Feb

After being MIA for over 6 months, Just For Kicks is back with a more boisterous line up of songs than ever before! Consisting of the beautiful sounds from vocalist Gwenda, accompanied by yours truly Adam Tam on Guitar, and a surprise guest act teaming up with JFK that is…

12 Dec

Once again, Mister Mode brought the house down last weekend with the final 2011 installment of its Fashion Night Market series – with no surprise as it received ample compliments from everyone who attended. Blessed with a fantastic team, the Mister Mode Summer Fashion Night Market was the most successful…

16 Nov

The evolution of music has become quite a phenomenon in the recent decade. No longer is music limited to a physical instrument. Heck, with the boom of the internet’s greatest innovated website YouTube, we’ve seen the iPhone capable of playing Beethoven’s classic Fur Elise and floppy disc drives melodically beeping…

26 Oct

There I was, standing in a dimly lit room with neon-lights gleaming in the shadows. It took more than a few moments for my eyes to properly adjust. It was fairly dark, but just bright enough to navigate throughout the terrain without helplessly stumbling over the beamed structures that was…