Yo! English exam down, another 6 to go! Haha, this is great. I can’t believe one exam down, this only draws me closer to the holidays! I can’t wait to sit on that plane back home, the feeling of excitement that once you open your eyes, your 10 mins away from seeing everybody you love and miss. I’ve got another 9 days til I recieve that feeling once more. Can’t wait.
Well after all that mind boggling experience in English today, I’m deciding to spend the rest of the afternoon resting, maths exam tommorow. I need all the mental capacity I have for that one, and I really don’t wanna do bad in the only subject I thrive upon. My goal, at least 80% min. Obviously I’m aiming higher, but thats the boundary. I’d probably kill myself if I get less than 80% *sigh*
OK, enough of exam talk. Tonight is Tuesday night, which means ‘Fareed night’. Gonna call him and have a recapped of what happen to us this week. Let’s see:
1) I lost 15-0 15-0 in badminton last Saturday
2) Exams start today, and I’ll see him next week
3) I’m still single [ladies… ;) ]
4) I fixed my computer fan, so it doesn’t make any crunk crank noises
5) My Saturday diet consisted of McDonald’s and Hungry Jacks (Burger King)
6) Other private stuff which I will not say =]
Haha, anywayz, check out this website http://ianng.blogspot.com for a laugh =D
Peace out,
Nov 29, 2005 -
TAM TAM YOU STOLE THE WORD PROCRASTINATE FROM ME I FORBID YOU TO USE IT!!!!! orr else…ill pinch you coz ur behind me ;P
Nov 29, 2005 -
haahahhahaha!!!! Ian’s soooooo funny!!!!!!!! lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
congrats with exam… wow, u have 7!?!?!?!? i’ve got 2 less then u!!! :) hehe….
but congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
hahahahahahahahaha!!! yeah, lets date!! :P only j/king!!!! :)
i’ll be seeing u in KK on the 4th of Jan!!! :) or maybe earlier in hk!!!!!!!!! :) holidays all the way!!!!!!! :)
xoxo aNGe
Nov 29, 2005 -
darn, I admire everything about yr post, but DARN!!!!!!!! that Ian Ng’s website is SO DAMN GOOD!!!!!!!!! ahahahahhhah……….and damn, u got comments fast
Nov 29, 2005 -
NOOOOOO procrastinate is MY word… has been for the whole year!!! i even taught joel what it meant hahaha… but u guys can use it. coz im nice. pffft wtv
Nov 29, 2005 -
credit to the word procrastinate goes to arum, sorry houng…
Nov 29, 2005 -
lol ya’ll are so queer
but.. maybe i shouldn’t say nething… cuz queer seems to run in my family…. *cough cough* ade! *cough cough* who knows… maybe when i one day get to his age (which is quite soon actually) ill become queer too. lol. but maybe i already am…….. oh poo
bah, whatever.
good luck for maths 2mrw damdam!!!
huhahahaha. suck. LOL. jokes 
Nov 29, 2005 -
aww…. okie… i thought it might work cause i can c it!! :P obviously not… :P
Nov 29, 2005 -
3) I’m still single [ladies… ;) ]
Nov 29, 2005 -
HAHAHA YOU WHORE TAM TAM…. -____________________-
Nov 30, 2005 -
I am procrastinating on this site now
Nov 30, 2005 -
adam is a woman whore.
coz hes a gurl.
“ Tish ;
adam is a woman whore.