Archive: August 2011

8 Aug

Last week, Eric called up asking if I wanted to join him and some of his mates over at Sunshine for a day on the tracks. Eric: “Go Kart?” Adam: “When?” Eric: “Saturday.” Adam: “Where?” Eric: “Sunshine. This circuit called AceKarts” Adam: “How much?” Eric: “Its $XX. We get an…

5 Aug

One my way home from work last night, I was feeling a little more creative than usual. It has been a while since I’ve committed to cooking a decent dish – most dinners I make nowadays consist of canned fish, leftover rice or 2 minute noodles. So as I made…

5 Aug

The Sims Social is the name to given by EA games to follow up this huge multiplayer franchise that’s about the hit Facebook! The Sims Social is scheduled to be released at the end of August. Producers of the game have already bounced the game’s release slightly further back from…

3 Aug

Because I’ve been feeling quite down all week, I’ve decided to post 5 cute finds from all over the internet just because it brightened up my day, even if just a little. [#5] Stay away from my food, you motherquackers. This is a video of a little puppy proving that…

1 Aug

People say I come from a talented musical family. I beg to differ. I believe talent is something undefined by hardwork, triumph or class. But when you have talent, you need to work hard and have patience and tenacity to really define what that talent really is. Yes I must…
