I’ve been blogging on and off for multiple years now.
Since leaving Malaysia for my studies in 2004, blogging has been a way for me to connect with my family and friends back home. Sometimes the details of my daily life isn’t necessarily relayed in my day-to-day conversations, which is sad since I don’t get to see everyone in Malaysia very often.
Blogging gives me the platform to tell my story. It also allows the freedom for my readers to choose how and when they want to learn about my life experiences.
I have found that a majority of people who read the AdamTam.com blog do so based on a shared interest we have. Whether you’re a close friend, a relative, a friend of a friend or a stranger, I find it motivationally exciting when I receive feedback (in views or comments) in what I have to say.
Because I deal with RSS feeds almost every day and have a good idea how forums, newsletters and blogs work, I easily forget that many of those who read my blog probably don’t know what an RSS is.
I really want you to recurringly share the same experiences I do.
This blog is my life journey, and I want to share it with you in any way I can.
There are a number of ways to follow AdamTam.com:
- Bookmark it
Bookmarking is a very simple tool to use on any computer you own.- A simple way of doing this is to drag the website’s icon to the bookmark menu.
- You may organize your bookmarks into folders for your convenience. Go to Bookmark > Bookmark this page > “Select a folder” > Done.
- Alternatively, hold down Ctrl+D.
- A simple way of doing this is to drag the website’s icon to the bookmark menu.
- RSS Feeds
This is probably the most popular ways people retrieve articles & news on the web. Just like a facebook “News Feed”, posts that get published on a blog will be displayed via an “rss feed”.There are multiple online tools available that let’s you keep updated with latest articles and blog posts. My favourite tool is Google Reader.
Simply click on “Add a subscription” and enter the URL http://www.adamtam.com/feeds
Google Reader lets you follow and organize any website you choose to follow, given they have an available RSS feed. Other tools include RSS Reader, Blogger List, MyYahoo and so on.
- Social Networking
Online social networking is a fairly new technology that has grown to mass popularity since 2007. Although “new”, social networking websites have proven to be one of the most innovative and powerful online tools to date.- You may have noticed a Facebook Page widget at the bottom of every page on AdamTam.com. I’ve strategically positioned it for easy access to connect to me via Facebook. By Likingthe page, you will constantly stay updated to AdamTam.com via your Facebook News Feed.
- If facebook isn’t your thing and you prefer Twitter instead, the Twitter widget can always be found on the right-side bar. My twitter profile is @adamtamand links to my twitter page can be found all over AdamTam.com.
I try to constantly update twitter to keep my followers entertained with my daily activities (I try to avoid going into detail when I need to use the toilet).
- You may have noticed a Facebook Page widget at the bottom of every page on AdamTam.com. I’ve strategically positioned it for easy access to connect to me via Facebook. By Likingthe page, you will constantly stay updated to AdamTam.com via your Facebook News Feed.
- Leave a comment
Comments are the best way to interact with me through my blog. AdamTam.com comes fully integrated with a Facebook comment system, making it easy for you to be notified via Facebook when I and other readers reply to your message. - Share your interest
On AdamTam.com, I have made it as easy to share your find! At the beginning and end of every post, I have linked multiple social buttons that provides you a one-click system to share a post via Facebook, Google+ or Twitter.Only one click? Yes! ONLY ONE CLICK!
What are you waiting for?
Do it now!