Quite recently, I was faced with a pressing question that pushed the boundaries of what I could ever possibly imagined doing.
The degree of anxiety expressed in this question caught me so off-guard, I was in a state of shock and horror!
“Would you like to be a cruiseship singer?”
*Cue awkward silence*
Ok, maybe I lie about shock and horror. But it was definitely intriguing.
Don’t laugh! Have you ever been asked to be a cruise ship singer? NO!
The message was inboxed to me on YouTube. I’ll be honest, my initial reaction was to yell out “SPAM!”

Perhaps this cruiseship thing was a joke?
Come on… really? seriously?
After mindlessly alternating between the L and O keys repeatedly on my keyboard, I decided that was an inappropriate reply.
Instead of being a prick and perhaps losing out on an opportunity of a lifetime, I honoured the Google code.
They do have a website up.
Seems legit to me.
Haha, I keed. Anyone can make a website nowadays. Anyone can make a website look professional nowadays. Have you seen this website?
Well, I also looked up Monique on Google. She’s got a facebook, a Linked-In , and a couple other online resume profiles around.
To be honest, the whole thing wasn’t as inconspicuous as I initially thought.

Perhaps this is the real deal! People online get hired all the time now.
Look at Esmee Denters. Look at Justin Bieber. Look at Rebecca Black!
So why on earth am I questioning this. The only way to find out is to email a reply.
She did ask me to call her back, but international costs and speaking to someone with a canadian accent freaks me oot.
Should I click send?