School has been whizzing through so quickly lately. The only major topic that has been on everyone’s mind is the exams. “If I do this for this subject and that for that subject, I will guarantee my spot for sure!” I say it all the time, so I’m not going to go hysterical about it.
As of this Friday the 13th November, I have exactly one month ‘til I leave this place. But before I get excited about the holidays, or even the exams, I have yet another obstacle to get through. The IB HL Visual Arts assessments.
I’m excited. An examiner is going to be coming to the school from Wednesday to Friday to basically examine our art pieces whilst interviewing us on our view on art. Our art class is split into two groups, and I was put into a group with a lady examiner. Don’t know if it’s a good thing, but I do hope she’s lenient.
I spent today planning and setting up my exhibition. Put up my major pieces first, then assigned different spots for the more minor pieces. Though it was a nice cold breezy day, I was still sweating underneath my shirt (yes, shirt, not jumper.)
It took almost 2 hours setting up the whole exhibition, which wasn’t actually that long, considering some people are still not done yet. Still have minor touches to add on tomorrow before I call it quits.
My art exhibition will be up from Wednesday night onwards in the Hirshfield Mack. Go have a look and tell me what you think!
I’ll put up a full review when its done.
Oct 9, 2006 -
Last year, for PE, they taught us how to play footy – how to kick, bounce and handball etc
I love the kicking, but it never goes towards where I want it to! It IS fun but I prefer watching than playing. =p I hardly watch but when I do…. its like.. my version of world cup! hahaha.. (and I dont even watch soccer..)
And what a coincidence, the other day my friends were having lunch at a restaurant, and Chris Judd was sitting next to their table! =c =c my friends called me but wont let me talk to him so oh well…….. =| (hes the captain of the Eagles in case u dunno hehe =p)
Anyway!… Hope all goes well for ur exhibition c=
Oct 10, 2006 -
yeah! Teshah dragged me along! n i’m SOO glad she did!!!!!!!!! :)
wt?!?! sercious?!?! well, i haven’t been 2 a real concert like this in 2 yrs, n that was Avil Levine…. sOO this was damn good compared 2 that!!! :D
it was pretty boring 2 begine w, but it got heaps better!!!!!!!! :)
u should’ve gone!! :p
Oct 10, 2006 -
put ur emo vector at ur exhibition! hehe =P
Oct 10, 2006 -
omgg totally saw ur art stuff today… i never realised how good u were at painting! good job… gd luck with the interview!
Oct 10, 2006 -
Wow Adam..your Art sounds sick man.
Care to put some photos up on your blog?
Oct 10, 2006 -
GOOD LUCK DAMDAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
teehee i know you’ll do grrrreatlyy!! 
and, just for you, i’ll try not to cry so much!! haha
Oct 11, 2006 -
Ok, how come so many people give u comments and i
get none. and im glad u put photo of me!!
EMO ON THE PLANE!! hahaha. cute.
i shud use that as my myspace name :P
but yeah, good luck on ur art. i know ull be awesome.
and dinner tomorrow?
“ Tish ;;
Oct 11, 2006 -
Your artworks are CRAP. Creativity-Rich And Perfect. Your turn =P
Oct 12, 2006 -
UGH!!! Then beautiful people benefit everything.
They’d have a very sociable teenage life….. until like u said.. about 45-50.
(I actually went on about a whole theory of beautiful people, but I realised it was too long. So i cut it out and put it in my xanga as an update instead. hahahaha…)