CaSiNo NiGhTt!!
Cuthy Year 11 Dinner ~ Saturday night – Theme: Casino Night ~
It was awesome, everybody started with around 10 chips each, and we just gamble all night. 3 tables were set up: Roulette – Poker – BlackJack
Matron also conjured up the best meal, which she spent the whole day cooking! There was steak, rice, chicken, salmon, salad + DESERTS! (Although I didn’t get any desert -_____-“)
Anywayz, here are some pics:
Me & Rumsy
Before dinner “Couple Photo”
Teaching her how to play…
Houngaz & Lindy
Roulette, anyone?
Don’t even know how to play this…
Clean up time…
That’s about it from the weekend.
Next day went to Melb for tesh’s birthday. I’m guessing she’ll update pics and everything on her xanga soon enough:
\Signing Out\
Lol, needed to show this. It’s the end of the month, which means the end of friendster’s “who’s viewed me” counter.
Most views I’ve ever had. I feel loved… *smirks*
Oct 31, 2005 -
lookz awsome sounds cool!!! :)
Oct 31, 2005 -
hello :-)
haha damn u beat me. i only have 299 views
o btw, nice borders around the pics…
luv arum xoxo
Oct 31, 2005 -
496 views! I feel loved too. xD
Eeee.. Adaaaaaammm. Fareed gave me some weird information.
Now.. now.. I feel weird about another person.
Talk to me on MSN when you can.
Nov 1, 2005 -
hahahaha well, way to make a person feel bad! LOL. i feel damned fucking unloved
lollers.. oh well. anyways, casino night sounds like shit loads of fun! hahaha .and yes,,, halloween was GREAT! teehee…. next time when i’m there in aussie and its halloween, i’ll give a big bash! woot woot! XD teehee… but for now… work beckons *sigh*